
Hey Jake, I installed the unit you sent the other day and the customer loves it. The day he picked up his bike he took off for Mexico and when he got back he told me he was very happy with the noticeable difference in the way his bike handled. I’ll be in touch for more pieces soon!
Thanks again,
Michael @ South Bay Customs
Jake, thanks a lot for the glide-pro on my 07? Road Glide. My bike was so new I didn’t notice how much the cut freeway lines were causing me to drift around in the lane, thought it was from the tires, got used to it.
After installing the Glide-Pro, I couldn’t believe your product made such a difference. At 80-100 MPH the cut freeway lines weren’t even noticeable, as well, the bike was completely stable in the corners.
So glad I am not going to have to spend an additional 400+ for one of the other stabilization devices. Your product works as well if not better than advertised. Should be a mandatory part on all swing
arm Harley’s.
Thanks again, Craig Cissell.
Hi Jake
You installed a Glide-Pro on my Road King on Dec 27th, and I promised I’d let you know how it’s been. For a number of reasons I haven’t been able to get out for a decent ride until this past weekend, when I did 220 miles out to Borrego Springs and back. There is an incredible difference in the bike now – it holds the line properly in corners and even on straight roads it just feels more solid and doesn’t wobble anymore!
I rode with my friend Jeff, and we swapped bikes for a while so he could try mine out (he has a Street Glide). I could feel the difference even more doing a direct comparison with his bike, and he felt it on mine (he liked it so much he scraped the floorboards a couple of times). I’m sure you’ll hear from him soon (if you haven’t already) to get a Glide-Pro for his bike.
Thanks for a great product – it makes a big difference!
- Stu
Since I installed your product, I enjoy the ride much more without the wobble, thanks for a great product.
-Joe Burresch
The Glide-Pro worked GREAT!!! Of course the rain groves in the freeway and the hard Dunlop tires still did their thing. But, the bike still had that sence of control and I took it hard over the top of the hill with NO Problems.
Two completely different bikes, my old 2007 BMW K1200LT and my new 2008 H/D FLHTCU, but with the Glide-Pro installed…The FLHTCU cornered as well (maybe better) as the K1200LT.
Thank you,
Doug Smith
Had torque link on, removed that. Installed Glide-pro and noticed the difference right away.
Torque links and others address the symptoms while also affecting ground clearance. Your product fixes the problems so you get no symptoms or problems.
Great product. thanks again! I hope someone from Harley Davidson tries your fix!
Wow Is this the same bike?!?
I installed your product about 3 months ago and have given it a good test. I Ride a 06 street glide mostly 2 up. I love the stability your product has given my bike.No more following road grooves like a magnet. And great control in the curves. Wish I had this on my 95 bagger I rode for 10 years I might not have sold it. I let my buddy ride my bike of course while I rawhided his stroked street glide. He wants me to install a Glide-Pro kit asap. You did good.
-Rick VanKirk
Thanks for all your help and your superb product. I am a very happy customer !!
I just installed a Glide -Pro system and wanted to report what my thoughts are on this product.
Install–The install was pretty easy, if you have basic mechanical abilities and can for instance remove and re-install the rear wheel then you will have no problem. The most difficult thing I encountered besides finding the proper tools in my messy garage, was getting the lower right side bolt for the rear motor mount bracket off and on, I have stock headpipes and it was way too close to remove it so I removed the right side muffler hanger and removed the clamp on the exhaust bracket in front of the trans and just gently “moved” the
pipe away enough to get clearance. The rest of the install was easy even though I have never done any prior service or repairs with this part of the bike. For me total time including finding the proper tools and dinking around with stuff not directly related to install of the Glide -Pro system was 4 hours. If you were more focused and prepared than I was it would take about an hour and a half or so. It was easy.
Result– I am no expert but just a hard riding regular shmuck nor have I ridden very many similar bikes, just mine but I noticed a difference, for sure the rear of the bike just felt firmer when I pulled out on the road it is hard to describe but you know when you are just cruising slow say 25-40 and do quick weaves side to side it felt before that the rear was squishy sort of, not, uncomfortable but a little loose, like the rear was following slightly slow, with the Glide-Pro it is much tighter and positive feeling. As speeds picked up and I was purposely aiming for the rain grooves, patches and gouges in the roads I ride all the time it sure felt more solid and did not track as much as before on these irregular surfaces and when I did abrupt lane changes or avoided imaginary debris in the road it felt much more solid and precise in the way it reacted and handled. When taking curves and eithert getting on the throttle or letting off before I felt a slight wag in the rear, after it is gone. I also rode a highway I am very familiar with that I can every time get the bike to wag on,with this system installed I could not duplicate it, it was much more solid. On the long sweeping corners before as long as I kept a consistant speed and line I had no problems with wag but if I hit a patch or groove or made adjustments to my direction I would feel it wag some and now it is totally gone.
About me– I am sort of a sceptical person and do not run out and but the latest and greatest thing just because I read it in a magazine or everyone else is using it, I have to justify in my mind that it is an issue that I feel needs corrected. I started riding street when 18 and logged over 180,000 plus on street bikes, so I have some riding experience. I took a 15 year break with riding street and got my current bike, a 04 Road King Classic just over a year ago and have logged 11k on it so far. At first I was just amazed at what a sweet riding bike it is, I still am but it took me several thousand miles to get to know it and get back into riding again, I am a voracious reader and researcher especially when it comes to something I am into so I did read about the famous wag, wobble, head shake or whatever you wanna call it that these particular Harley models exhibit, I never noticed it until I became a more confident perhaps at times aggressive rider and more familiar with my particular machine, I like to push it to the limit, practice fast stops, obstacle avoidance maneuvers etc when I ride. So when it did happen I was aware of what it could be and it still shocked me and I was not sure if it was due to the bad road or improper tire inflation or just the stock Dunlops, so I stopped and checked it out and rode that same area over and over at different speeds and lines to find out what I thought it was, hhhmmm something to think about so once I got home the research begins to find out what I can. So from then on, like the past 3-4k miles I have been riding it and pushing it on familiar roads paying close attention to how it acts and decide it is time to try something out,either true track alloyt art ride str8 and then glide pro.
Due to the newness of Glide Pro I was going to pass on it until I went to my local HD dealer who has a service and parts dept I trust and spoke to them about all the different products and results, they had no experience with the Glide -Pro but with the other systems but as luck would have it they had just gotten a Glide-Pro dropped off and would make me a super deal just to see how I liked it. I called Glide-Pro and spoke at length to them and came away convinced to try it out so that and the good deal the dealer was offering me appealed to the mizer in me, I bought it.
I then went and rode the familiar roads hard last weekend and installed the system and rode them again and I tell you from my perspective this system works as advertised.
I am very happy with this product and will gladly reccomend it. Thanks for reading this long winded report and I hope at least one of you readers gets something from it.
I would also like to add here that both times I have called them a person picked up. They told me to call during the install anytime if I had any issues at all. They also took the time to talk to me, listen to my long winded outpouring and were very helpful and pleasant to talk with. So as far as I my experience with them and their product both have been top notch. Very similar to Paul at Lyndall racing brakes, another top notch company. I would say if you have any questions just call them as I did.
-Ted Scholl
AKA “Bigheadted”
After installing the Glide-Pro Stabilizer System, I noticed a dramatic difference in the handling quality of the 2007 Road King.
The Glide-Pro reduced the wobble effect without increasing vibration. This easy to install product still allows the motor to move front to back like it was designed to do, yet reduces the lateral flex that is often encountered on rubber mounted touring models.
What this means to the rider is better handling, especially at higher speeds.
Brad Olshen
Hot Bike Bagger Magazine
It didn’t even take until the end of the driveway before we noticed the difference.
There was immediately more firmness to the chassis. The loose feel of the bike was replaced with a very connected-to-the-ground sensation, without any increase in vibration.
Adding a large dose of speed didn’t change things either.
The tighter chassis didn’t make for any discomfort, just a more planted feel at all speeds.
We give our hearty recommendation.
- Hot Bagger Magazine (Jan. 2008)
I just got this today,and I put it in today. This thing is Bad Ass! It’s 20 degrees outside, but I couldn’t wait. What an improved difference.
Thank You.
Cycle Services
Gust Manetas
I just wanted to let you know that I finished the install of the Glide-Pro on my 2008 Ultra. This is my latest ride and I have always compared all of the bikes I have owned to a 1967 ElectraGlidein years past, that I considered the best riding Harley I ever owned. I put over
260,000 miles on that bike and until now I have never owned or ridden it’s equal. Harley has improved the ElectraGlide line over the years but they have, in my opinion, sacrificed some of the best handling qualities trying to keep vibration to a minimum. The Glide-Pro kit you have developed is absolutely fantastic. I cannot believe just how great my Ultra handles now. No more wobble at any speed. You have given me the handling of my old “67? with all the modern goodies of the 2008 Ultra. Thanks for such a fine product.
Carl “Rattler” Williams
Wendover, Nevada
Thought I’d drop you a line now that I have a little break here. When I read your article in HOT BIKE about being able to notice the difference right away, I have to say I was skeptical. However, I was proven wrong as soon as I drove off from the dealer….it was noticeable right away. I was able to have the Glide Pro installed at my local HD dealer here, and I have to say that it has made a big difference in the handling of my ‘07 Road Glide. The best term I can think of to describe it is “SOLID”. No mushiness whatsoever in the turns now. Thanks for developing such a fine component for improving the handling of the Harleys. I’ll pass on the word every chance I get!
Ride Safe,
John Douglass
Safety Harbor, Florida
Wow! Those of us who’ve ridden rice rockets or lighter HDs with frequency know the feeling of steering the bike mostly with the mind and a lil’ body lean. Your “Glide-Pro” transforms touring models to take a significant step in that direction. Holding the inception of turn on a line at high speeds or sharp turns at low are much, much easier with substantially less “soggy back end.”
From a performance standpoint right up there with dumping the Dunny’s for superior skins or slapping down a lower custom seat.. the improvement is dramatic! Well done!
Dennis L Collins,
2005 HD Road King
Hermosa Beach, California
Received the product and installed it. I took the bike for a quick ride (snow on the ground) but there is no question, the improvement in the ride was noticed immediately – much more stable in the corners and under hard acceleration.
Brock A. Bailey
Hey Jake,
The Glide Pro installation was a breeze..took about an hour. The results are amazing. My FLHX now corners like its on rails. The rear suspension now works so well, I had to decrease the air pressure In my rear shocks at least 10 lbs. Great Product…you guys should send your website address to Harley Davidson so they can get a clue and do the right thing for the FLH series.
Thanks, Sincerely.
Chris Caputo
Petaluma, Ca
I personally want to thank you for your service calls to my home and work when I had questions. I had the new Glide-Pro Stabilizer pivot bolt installed in my 2007 Ultra Classic Electra Glide by Russell Knight of Knight Rides (Part Sales & Customwork for Harleys only) located in Jackson California. I raced pro-class C and sportsmen expert motocross in the 70’s and have been riding motorcycles for over thirty years and now compete in Endurance Rallies. Wow! My scooter finally handles straight at low to hi speeds and now allows me to drive deeper into the turns. I’m able to turn the throttle on sooner when exiting without the old rear-end wobble. I want to thank Hot Bike Baggers Magazine for writing the January 2008 article and providing an honest opinion, and a special thanks to Glide-Pro for making a product that really works! BMW-LTs and Honda Goldwings better watch-out… I have a Harley full dresser that handles now.
Rider Pat Lane
Pat Lane
I finally fitted the Glide Pro, went together like a piece of cake. One question though, I just sprayed the swingarm axle with heaps of CRC lubricant, my mate who owns the bike shop didn’t have any anti sieze and he reckons CRC will be fine,bloody hope so (He’s a German who you can’t argue with) ha ha! I’m slowly getting some miles on the bike and testing it and I’m bloody happy, real happy mate. It feels a lot tighter. I went out the other day and it was really windy, cross winds the whole nine yards and I was sitting on about 75 to 80 miles an hour on the freeway and I felt safe, Great!!! Anyway Doc hasn’t had time to fit his yet, but I told him about mine and he will do his as soon as he can. Well mate, I hope all is good and we’ll talk soon.
Best Regards,
Heavy Duty Motorcycle Magazine - Australia
My name is Danette Clinton from CLINTON’S CUSTOM CYCLE in LINCOLN, CA., an After Market (Harley / V-twin / American made) custom shop. Family owned and operated!!! In the 15 years we have been in business we have yet to come acrossed anything like this. We think this IS IT!!! Finally!!!
We installed our first GLIDE-PRO yesterday it took about an hour and a half. Our customer is so HAPPY!!! He came in today and was telling us about how much of a difference it made on his 04? FLHR (RoadKing). He said before he could not corner very fast because the back of the bike was all over the place. NOW with the GLIDE-PRO it corners like an FXR. Not just in the corners but all around it rides better than before. We wanted to say thanks and look forward to doing more Business.
The Crew from Clinton’s Custom Cycle
Had the Glide Pro installed last week at Orange County Harley Davidson in Irvine, CA (1/1/2 hours labor to install) and took the opportunity to really wring it out yesterday for over 5 hours on various roads in Orange County including some real good canyon work. I must say, initially the 07 Street Glide felt stiff over uneven road surfaces. I mean the lateral kind not the linear variety of freeway lines. But, after riding for a good half hour, the initial stiffness awareness dissipated and the bike felt real together from the front end to the swing arm. I may be 54 years old, but I have been riding bikes since I was 16. I have owned Triumphs, Harleys, Yamaha’s and had a Honda VFR 800 Interceptor sport bike a few years ago, and so I am not timid when it comes to reaching maximum lean angles even on the Street Glide. I can crank my Glide into corners now without any frame/swing arm wobble and can take her down to the pegs, scraping with complete confidence. Ron Webb will tell you that I lean my baggers over in turns until the bottom of the bags drag. The service department crew at OC Harley had not seen your solution to the H-D wobble problem before but had experience with other more complicated bolt on swing arm devices. They were impressed by the ease of installation and the results from their test ride after the install. As you already know, the front end handling on the new Street Glides is extremely light. The front end feels like it wants to flop full left or right lock most of the time. This is quite a bit different than the steering input from my 03 Road Glide. I have spoken with guys that do not like the lighter front end feel of the Street Glide. With the Glide Pro, that floppy light front end feel has been transformed to a bike that feels like the front and back ends are working in unison.
Tim Rabbitt
Orange County
I bought an Ultra after years of riding a Goldwing. I hated the play in the swing arm and now due to Glide-Pro it rides like a Goldwing and now I’m going to keep it.
San Diego
My name is Mike Moran and I have been riding motorcycles since my first mini bike at age 8. I sell Harley’s at San Diego Harley-Davidson. I have always loved Harley’s. But man, let me tell you how much more I love my 2007 Ultra Classic after Jake was kind enough to install Glide Pro in my bike yesterday!! I left there shop and met up with some buddies for a ride up Ortega Highway, which is full of twisties. What an amazing difference! My buddies could not beleive how well I was carving those canyons. But more importantly, I was so stoked at how nice my ride is after install of this simple, yet amazing product. If you ride a Harley bagger, you owe it to yourself to make this small investment. Not just for the improved ride quality, but for the safety aspect. That twitch and dance you feel when cornering at speed is all gone. The bike holds corners like never before. So many people come to me and say, Mike, my front end is acting funny, It twitches around in the corners and it is scary. Folks, it ain’t the front end, it’s the rear end which is the cause, the feel in the front is the effect. Glide Pro solves the cause, which eliminates the effect. The new effect is that you will now have a motorcycle which will track true, no matter how hard you throw it in a turn. Thanks guys, for making me fall in love with my Ultra all over again!!
Mike Moran
Santee, Ca
Sales Dept. San Diego Harley-Davidson
I purchased my Ultra from San Diego Harley on September 1st. This is my first Harley bagger. After riding it for 3 days I contacted my salesperson, Mike Moran. I asked him what the twichiness and headshake was all about when cornering at speed. Mike rides an Ultra and has a Glide Pro installed . He recommended that I contact you and guaranteed that my handling issues would disappear. Reed at San Diego Harley did the install for me. The twitch is gone, it tracks true and holds corners like it is on a rail. I couldn’t be happier with the product. If you own a Harley bagger, you shouldn’t be without Glide Pro.
Chuck Begun
San Diego
Thank you, Jake for your Glide-Pro product. WOW! What a difference it has made in the handling of my 2007 HD Road King Custom, with 4600 miles. No more wobbles. Just yesterday I was riding on the 241 toll road, looked down at my speedometer, and to my surprise was doing 95 mph! In the past, my bike would feel like it was wobbling when I hit 70-75 mph. Although it’s new to my bike, the difference is phenomenal. I installed it myself and when I had a question I was able to contact you easily and got an immediate response.
Orange County
I want to be one of the first to buy one of your products when you make this for the Softails. I have a 2002 Fatboy that could benefit ASAP. Contact me if you make one, I have about ten Softail friends that want one.
Ron Webb
I have a ‘ 05 FLH TCI with a Screamin Eagle HTCC 95 engine kit. This bike is triple digit in horsepower and torque. This bike has 40K miles. I ride this bike aggressively and have always had a issue with a high speed wobble as well as cornering issues. After many discussions with the dealer in Port Moody, Cariboo Motorcycles, we could not come up with a solution that didn’t effect the ride quality. Cariboo Motorcycles located a kit from the KMS Sports Group and contacted myself with info about the Glide Pro product. I had Cariboo Motorcycles do the original install and immediately had a vibration issue, and with little knowledge known about the product, it was assumed that there was a break in period required. Not being satisfied with this answer I phoned Glide Pro. Let me tell you that you guys went above and beyond the call of duty to resolve the issue. (These guys will stand behind there product, even on a weekend yet) The problem turned out to be a thick casting on the cleave block,
5 min with a die grinder solved the issue. It was a excessively large HD casting and had absolutely nothing to do with the Glide Pro product. )
This product is outstanding. It retained the ride quality while allowing my Decker to handle like a sport bike. All speed wobbles and cornering issues have been resolved. I’m a 1000% satisfied with the product and hats off to Glide Pro for their persistence in solving the issues.
If you own a Decker you shouldn’t be with out this Glide Pro Product. It resolves all handling issues with the larger bikes.
Dean Hrynyk
Sooke B.C., Canada
My Street Glide is virtually new. I bought it about 2 months ago and added a lot of extras to make my bike look and ride great. After a bit of riding I noticed the front end didn’t feel right at higher speeds. After asking a few folks with a lot more experience than I if the light feeling was normal they gave me a few idea’s to try which really didn’t make much difference.
One afternoon I was at SD Harley talking to Mike Moran when he asked how I like my new bike. I said that I love it except the front end feels bit wobbly at higher speeds. Instantly he said “It’s not the front end, it’s the rear end causing the issue.” Then he said “You have to call a friend of mine from Glide Pro he will take care of the problem.”
I called the next day and explained the issue with my bike and he assured me that Glide Pro was the cure. A few days later I had the Glide Pro installed. I was absolutely amazed when I sat down on my bike and could feel the difference before I even fired it up. Needless to say I took the long way home through Wild Cat Canyon and was just blown away at the control.
I had the privilege of spending a couple of hours with the guys at Glide-Pro. Besides really loving what they do, these guy know there business.
You owe it to yourself for both safety and ride enjoyment to have the Glide Pro installed before your next ride.
Wayne Faulkner
San Diego, California |